How can I import the backtrack (karaoke) audio?
You can import WAV files by dragging them directly into VOCALOID6 Editor. Mp3 and other formats cannot be loaded, so please convert them to WAV format.
Can I import (load) WAV files?
You can import WAV files by dragging them directly into VOCALOID6 Editor. Supported format: - WAV (Stereo/Mono) - 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, 96 kHz, 192 kHz - 8-bit, 16-bit, 24-bit, 32-bit float
Can I import (load) tempo information from a MIDI file?
Yes. VOCALOID6 Editor can import MIDI files that contain information about tempo and measure. Select "Import File" from "File" on the top menu and select the MIDI file that you want to use.
Can I export (render) a complete song or a VOCALOID part in WAV format?
Yes. In addition to mixing and exporting (rendering) to a single audio file (WAV file), VOCALOID6 features a multi-channel export function that you can use to export multiple tracks to separate audio files. Select "Audio Mixdown" from "File" on the top menu. However, other file formats (such as AIFF and MP3) are not supported. Note that the sampling frequency and quantization bit rate of the exported files are fixed at 44.1 kHz and 16 bits, respectively.
A printed manual does not seem to be included with the product.
A printed manual is not bundled with VOCALOID6. You can access the Reference Manual and a tutorial on the VOCALOID website from "Help" on the VOCALOID6 menu. Alternatively, please visit the following website:
What should I do when I want to use VOCALOID6 on another computer?
VOCALOID6 can be used on only one computer per license. If you want to use it on a second computer, please execute "Deauthorization of VOCALOID6" on the computer the software is installed on and perform "Authorization" again on the second computer. You can execute "Deauthorization" in the VOCALOID Authorizer app.
On how many computers can I install VOCALOID6 Editor and voicebanks?
You can install and use the software on one computer only. The End User License Agreement prohibits use on multiple computers. You must purchase additional licenses if you want to install the software on more than one computer.
Can I use VOCALOID2 voicebanks in VOCALOID6 Editor?
No. VOCALOID2 voicebanks are not supported. You cannot use a VOCALOID3 library that was converted from the VOCALOID2 voicebank using the VOCALOID2 Library Import Tool.
Can VOCALOID6 load the previous version of VOCALOID song files?
Yes. The software can import VSQX Files created with VOCALOID4 and VOCALOID3, and VPR files created with VOCALOID5. VSQ (VOCALOID2) and VOCALOID MIDI (VOCALOID 1) files are not supported.
I have an older version of the VOCALOID voicebank. Can I use them on VOCALOID6 Editor?
Yes. Voicebanks of VOCALOID3, VOCALOID4, and VOCALOID5 are available on VOCALOID6. Moreover, there are no settings required for loading these voicebanks with VOCALOID6 Editor. VOCALOID6 Editor automatically loads them at startup. Project files (VSQX and VPR) created with VOCALOID3, VOCALOID4, and VOCALOID5 can also be loaded.